Earn interest by depositing money every month.

Product Features

  • 6.25 % p.a interest rate. (Between 10,000 and 10,000,000)
  • 6.50 % p.a interest rate. (Between 10,000,001 and 100,000,000)
  • 7.00 % p.a interest rate. (Between 100,000,001 and above)
  • Savings passbook (lost charges of Ks.500)
  • Ks. 10,000 initial deposit.
  • Ks. 10,000 minimum balance.

Required Documents

  • Birth Certificate or form 66/6 (Family Legal Documents as a household list) to verify the age of child
  • Parent’s/Guardian’s NRC copy

Terms & Conditions

  • The parent of the minor account has to deposit and withdraw money by themselves.
  • Once minor turns 18 year old, the minor account can be changed to savings account.